
How to properly use high-pressure hose it

How to properly use high-pressure hose it1) Hose selection, installation is unreasonable. When replacing the high-pressure hose, hose length chosen, wire layers, shapes and sizes to be reasonable Hydraulic pipe fittings  and hoses should be to minimize the degree of bending; tighten the connector nut, do not make the hose distorting, excessive bending and distortions will greatly reduce the life of the hose;(2) hose and connector assembly withhold the amount and speed selection withheld improperly, or joints of the structure and, material, size selection is unreasonable, can lead to pressure hose and fittings too tight or too loose, causing early damage joints. Assembly, if the withholding amount is too small, that is between the connector and the hose loose weight when under the effect of the hydraulic hose during the initial period there may emerge from the joint;(3) should be avoided during installation hose twisting. When the hose was slightly reversed, it may reduce its strength or loose connector.(4) hose when working at high temperatures very short-lived. Therefore, the hose layout should be kept away from heat sources, a last resort when the casing or insulation panels can be installed and other devices to prevent the hose heat deterioration.(5) joint design is unreasonable, processing of poor quality, can also cause damage to the inner glue; joint material selection if improperly withheld during the deformed easily, thus affecting withhold quality, shorten the life of the hose.

