
hydraulic coupling disassembly basic steps

1 after the step of emptying the hydraulic oil(1) Open the oil filter and inspection and cleaning(2) Remove the coupling and check(3) Check the input shaft, an output shaft runout.(4) Remove the slide from the box regulators and transmission lever.(5) Remove the auxiliary lube oil pumps and motors(6) Remove the oil pump and the electrical auxiliary work(2) Remove the lid and hanging open, check the gear meshing.3Hydraulic adapters  disintegration of the input shaft and the rotor member subsequent steps(1) Check the pump and turbine wheel (blade resonance test).(2) Remove the bearing condition by measuring the bearing clearance.(3) Check the scoop tube body wear.(4) Check the fusible plug, if necessary, replaced with new parts.(5) re-scrape back after bush loaded (if necessary grinding shaft).(6) cleaning rotation within the housing product oil and dirt.

